I am so exited to explain you about astronomy . So what exactly does this cheeky little fancy word mean?
Off all the things that make us human it is perhaps our quest for knowledge and we always dare to ask why , and we never seem to be satisfied with the unknown . 
Now for a while let us travel back in time to the first civilization (mesopotamia) and start looking at the night sky having no idea what any of these objects could be , what are these distant points of light ? , how big is the universe ? , is it truly infinite ? . These are the questions that humans dare to ask and to solve the enigma came into being a subject called "ASTRONOMY" .

After a lot of research on the night sky , people began to understand and were able to map it on a paper with great precision and thus came the concept of seasons 

                                            winter night sky

                                                          summer night sky
happy astronomy 😀
comment your thoughts


  1. Your explanation was short and nice but it felt incomplete, if you can then do try to elaborate it on how the subject evolved, keeping it short.


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